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Step 6: Draw three triangle-like shapes under the seal's body as guides for the flippers. The first shape should be long, the second should be short, and the last shape should be in between both sizes.

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Step 7: Draw the eye on the upper right portion inside the seal's head. The shape of the eye is similar to a football. Inside the eye, draw a circle for the actual eyeball. Draw a tiny circle to represent glare. Draw a slightly bigger circle and shade it in for the pupil. Shade in the rest of the eye using a lighter value than the pupil. Draw a few extra lines around the eye for wrinkles.

Step 8: Draw the seal's nose on the tip of the muzzle. The shape of the nose is similar to a very thin triangle. Draw a shaded oval in the middle for the nostril.

Step 9: Use the initial arc as a guide to draw the rest of the seal's muzzle. Shape the top and bottom of the muzzle as you follow the path of the arc and add a line near the bottom for the mouth.