Step 8: Darken the arcs on top of the head to create the bunny's ears. Make the shapes slightly thinner at the top. Inside the ear on the right, draw a few long lines that are made up of short strokes for the ear's opening. Add more strokes at the bottom for the furry base of the ear. The ear on the left is facing away so don't draw detail inside.
Step 9: Use the big initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the rabbit's head. Darken the basic path of the circle using short strokes to create the furry texture of the head. Make the bottom, right side slightly wider than the initial circle. Add a few strokes around the eye to emphasize the fur.
Step 10: Darken the shape that's in the middle of the of the body, on the right side, to create the bunny's first front leg. Use short strokes as you darken the shape for a furry texture. Make the lines at the top longer. Along the bottom edge of the shape, draw a few small, U-shaped lines for the toes. Darken the arc-like shape that's under the body to create the hind foot. Add a few small, curved lines along the left edge of the shape for the toes. On top of the hind foot, add a long, curved line that's made up of short strokes for the rest of the leg.
Step 11: Use the other shapes that are on the left side of the body as guides to draw the rabbit's other legs. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shapes of the legs. Along the tips of the feet, draw short, curved lines to separate the toes.
Step 12: Use the remaining shapes and lines as guides to draw the rest of the bunny's body. Simply darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the body. Use short stokes to create a furry texture. On the bottom, right side, draw a small, triangular shape for the tail.
Step 13: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.
Final Step: Shade your drawing for extra detail. Rabbits can have a variety of coat patterns. For a more natural or wild pattern like this one, use a medium value all over the body except for the area around the eye, under the head and underside of the body. Shade lightly at first and gradually build up to darker values. For light values, push down very lightly on your pencil and push down harder for darker values. As you shade the body, use strokes that go in the general direction of the fur. Separate each stroke a bit as you shade so that the white of the paper comes through and creates a more furry texture. Use a slightly darker value throughout the body for shadows. Add a cast shadow at the bottom using a medium value. Shading can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. It's a good idea to use reference as you shade for a more accurate depiction of a rabbit. If you have a pet rabbit, try to duplicate its coat pattern on your drawing. For a more detailed guide on how to shade, check out this tutorial: How to shade.
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