How to Draw a Flying Dragon Wyvern Fire 11

Step 11: Use the lines under the body as guides to draw the dragon's legs. Draw the shape of each leg around the guide line. The tops of the legs should be wide and they should overlap the feet. Pay attention to how these shapes bend to create the joints. Make the fee thin and add a couple of short, curved lines at the bottom for the toes.

How to Draw a Flying Dragon Wyvern Fire 12

Step 12: Darken the outer edges of the shapes in the middle to create the body. Don't overlap the wings or legs as you draw the shape. Add a row of small triangles along the top edge for the spikes on the back. On the tip of the tail, add another small triangle for the arrow-like spike.

How to Draw a Flying Dragon Wyvern Fire 13

Step 13: Draw a series of short lines along the bottom of the dragon's body for the scales on the underside. Close to the mouth, draw a thin, curved shape for the fire. Make the left side of this shape narrow and the right side wide. Add a few wavy lines along the edges for flames.

How to Draw a Flying Dragon Wyvern Fire 14

Step 14: Go over the final lines with a pen, marker or any other type of permanent ink. Take your time and be careful when you ink to avoid any accidents. Don't ink the initial guide lines, only the final drawing. After inking, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser for a cleaner drawing of a dragon.

How to Draw a Flying Dragon Wyvern Fire

Final Step: Now color your dragon drawing! Dragons are mythical creatures so you can color your drawing however you'd like. For this look, use purple for the main part of the body, dark purple for the underside of the wings, the horns and the spikes and light purple for the underside of the body. Use dark brown for the inside of the mouth and red for the tongue. Color the fire using orange for the outer edges and yellow for the inside. Coloring can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks.

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