Step 8: Darken the outer edges of the guides at the top to create the dimorphodon's head. Use a series of angled lines to create the other brow and a feather-like texture on the head. Add a few wavy lines along the bottom edge of the head circle to create the neck. Inside the mouth, draw a few lines for the inside of the lower jaw and tongue. Make the tip of the tongue pointy.
Step 9: Use the shapes on top of the body as guides to draw the first wing. On the first joint that's on the top part of the wing, draw a series of small, thin shapes for the digits. Curve the digits to the right and make the tips pointy for the claws. Draw a few extra lines along the inner edges of the guide for the arm-like portion of the wing and the top section. Bend the top section to indicate the joints. The thin, top part of the wing is actually made up of an extra-long digit. Darken the bottom part of the guide to finish the wing.
Step 10: Use the shapes that are on the left side of the head as a guides to draw the dimorphodon's other wing the same way as the first wing. Darken the top edge of the wing but make the section thicker for the arm-like appendage. On the first joint, draw three small, thin shapes for the digits. Make the tips of the digits pointy for the claws. Darken the bottom edge of the guide to finish the wing.
Step 11: Use the small angled line that are under the body as guides to draw the dimorphodon's legs. Draw the shapes of the legs around the guides. Make the tops of the legs wide and then gradually make the shapes thinner toward the bottom. Use curved lines to give he legs muscle structure. Sketch the legs lightly at first an only darken the lines when you get the shapes right. At the very bottom, draw a series of angled lines to create the toes pointing backward.
Step 12: Darken the outer edges of the shapes in the middle to create the dimorphodon's body. Don't overlap the shape of the wing and leg on the right as you darken the body. Draw the tail around the horizontal guide on the right. Make the tail thin. On the tip of the tail, draw an arrow-like shape.
Step 13: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.
Final Step: Shade your dimorphodon drawing for extra detail. No one is exactly sure what dimorphodons looked like so you can shade yours however you'd like. This dimorphodon is the version featured in the movie Jurassic World. For this look shade the body using a medium value. Shade lightly at first and gradually build up to darker values. For light values, push down very lightly on your pencil and push down harder for darker values. Use a series of squiggles all over the body for a scaly texture on the skin. Don't over think the scaly texture; just add random squiggly lines all over the body. Draw angled lines inside the wings for veins. Add a darker value throughout the body to create shadows. Pick a light source as you shade so that the shadows are consistent. Here the light source is coming from the top, so most of the shadows are on the underside of the shapes. Shading can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. For a more detailed guide on how to shade, check out this tutorial: How to shade.
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