How to Draw a Siberian Musk Deer Fangs Teeth 10

Step 10: Under the nose, lightly sketch a line that curves to the left for the mouth. When you get the length of the line right, darken it using short strokes for some fur. On the left side of the mouth, draw a thin, long, curved, spike-like shape for the musk deer's distinctive tusk. On the right, draw a smaller spike for the other tusk peeking from behind the lower jaw. Darken a bit of the initial arc for the chin and top part of the muzzle.

How to Draw a Siberian Musk Deer Fangs Teeth 11

Step 11: Darken the arc on the top, left side of the head for the first ear. Use short strokes for a furry texture. Draw the base of the ear farther down inside the head. Use a series of short strokes within the shape for the furry ear opening. Use the arc on the right as a guide to draw the musk deer's other ear the same way.

How to Draw a Siberian Musk Deer Fangs Teeth 12

Step 12: Use the initial circle and arc as guides to draw the rest of the head. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the musk deer's head. Make the muzzle thinner. Use short strokes as you draw the bottom and back of the head for the fur. Follow the edge of the initial circle as you draw the head but leave a gap at the bottom for the deer's neck. Draw a series of short strokes within the head to emphasize the structure with fur.

How to Draw a Siberian Musk Deer Fangs Teeth 13

Step 13: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the musk deer's first front leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. Use short strokes at the top for fur. The top of the shape should be wide and then gradually get thinner toward the bottom. At the bottom, draw two small, triangular shapes for the deer's hoof and a smaller shape on the left for the dewclaw.

How to Draw a Siberian Musk Deer Fangs Teeth 14

Step 14: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the musk deer's other front leg the same way. Draw the shape of the leg around the guide. Make the top part wide and the bottom thin. Bend the shape slightly at the bottom. Also at the bottom, draw the hoof and the dewclaw.

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