Step 6: On the top, left side of the head, draw a small, angled line as a guide for the schnauzer's first ear. To the right, draw a smaller, angled line as a guide for the dog's other ear.
Step 7: Under the first circle, draw a long, vertical line as a guide for the first front leg. Bend the line at the top for the joint and at the bottom for the foot. To the right, draw another vertical line as a guide for the other front leg. Bend this line at the bottom only.
Step 8: Under the second circle, draw a sloping, angled line as a guide for the first hind leg. As the line slopes to the lower left, bend the line twice in the middle for the joints and at the bottom for the foot. To the right, draw another sloping, angled line as a guide for the other leg. Only bend it once in the middle.
Step 9: Draw two short lines that connect the head to the body as a guide for the schnauzer's neck. Connect the first two circles using two lines to complete the torso. On the top, left side, draw a short line for the dog's tail.
That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.