How to Draw Godzilla Monster Side Gojira Kaiju 15

Step 15: Use the remaining lines and shapes as guides to draw the rest of Godzilla's head. Simply darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the head. As you darken the edges, use wavy lines for the bumpy texture on the head. Draw a couple of curved lines under the jaw for the creases on the neck. Add a few more curved lines inside the head to emphasize the cranial structure. Add a few short, angled lines for the rough, pointy texture on the skin.

How to Draw Godzilla Monster Side Gojira Kaiju 16

Step 16: Use the arcs inside the body as guides to draw the first arm. Darken the outer edges of the arcs to create the shape of the arm. Draw a series of short, curved lines at the top of the arm for the folds of skin. Follow the path of the guides but make the shapes curvier to accentuate the muscles. Make the shape thinner close to the bottom for the wrist. Along the bottom edge of the guide, draw three thin, curved shapes with pointy tips for the fingers. Angle the lines to curve the fingers and create the joints. Don't make Godzilla's fingers too long. The thumb isn't visible from this angle.

How to Draw Godzilla Monster Side Gojira Kaiju 17

Step 17: Use the shapes on the left side of the body as guide to draw Godzilla's other arm the same way. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the arm. On the right side of the shape, below the wrist, draw a short, pointy shape for the thumb. Along the bottom of the guide, draw a short, curved, pointy shape for a finger. Draw a bit of the other fingers peeking from behind the first finger on the sides.

How to Draw Godzilla Monster Side Gojira Kaiju 18

Step 18: Draw a long, curved line inside the lower part of the body for the top of the leg. The line should stretch from the top of the leg guide at the bottom to just below the arm. Draw a line along the lower, right edge of the initial circle for the bottom edge of the leg. Draw some lines near the middle of the shape for creases. Use initial lines to create the lower shape of the leg. Darken the angled line at the bottom for the first toe. At the tip, draw a small, triangular shape for Godzilla's claw. Add two more toes and claws to the right the same way. Draw a few curved lines inside the shape for creases.

How to Draw Godzilla Monster Side Gojira Kaiju 19

Step 19: Use the shapes on the left as guides to draw the other leg the same way. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of Godzilla's leg. At the bottom, draw the toes using a series of short, curved lines and the claws as small triangles. As you darken the lines for the leg, follow the guides but make the shape curvier for the muscles.

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