Step 6: On the top, right side of the head, draw a long, angular line as a guide for the first ear. The bottom of this line should end at the tip of the horizontal line. Add an extra line curving up for the folded tip of the bulldog's ear.
Step 7: On the top, left side of the head, draw a similar shape as guide for the bulldog's other ear.
That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.
Step 8: Use the small oval inside the muzzle as a guide to draw the nose. Darken the top edge of the oval for the first part of the bulldog's nose. When you darken the sides of the shape, curve the lines inward to create the nostrils. Make the bottom part of the nose narrower than the initial oval. Draw a couple of lines between the nostrils to give the dog's nose more detail.
Step 9: Below the nose, draw a big, curved line for the first part of the dog's mouth. The bottom tips of this line should touch the edges of the initial circle for the muzzle. Make the top part narrow and the bottom part wide. The shape should be similar to an upside-down letter U. On the lower, left side of the head, draw a long, vertical line that curves at the bottom for the jowls. Extend the right tip of the bulldog's mouth down to the bottom edge of the head and then curve it back up for the rest of the jowls.