How to Draw Scary Cartoon Cat Skull Halloween 11

Step 11: Starting on the top, left side of the eye on the left, draw a big, tall shape similar to an upside-down letter V for the cat's ear. Ears aren't made of bone, so they're not part of a skull but this isn't a realistic skull, so we'll add them so that it reads like a cat.

How to Draw Scary Cartoon Cat Skull Halloween 12

Step 12: Draw another line that's similar to an upside-down letter V on the right side for the cat's other ear. Try to draw both ears similarly. Notice how the bottom part of the line that's right above the eye curves inward a bit.

How to Draw Scary Cartoon Cat Skull Halloween 13

Step 13: Draw a curved line that connects the ears to create the top part of the skull. Draw a line from each ear to each cheekbone to create the sides of the skull. Draw a line close to the inner edge of each ear to give the ears more structure. Add a smaller, curved line at the bottom of each ear to give the cat skull a more rounded shape.

How to Draw Scary Cartoon Cat Skull Halloween 14

Step 14: Using a pen or marker, carefully go over the lines to make your cat skull drawing permanent. After the ink dries, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser.

How to Draw Scary Cartoon Cat Skull Halloween

Final Step: Color your cat skull drawing using color pencils, markers or crayons! Color the eyes and nose black. You can also use the same pen you used to ink the drawing. Use yellow or light brown to create shadows and give the figure more dimension and volume. Color the insides of the ears and the sides of the skull. Color the middle to emphasize the furrowed brow and the teeth. Don't forget to pause the video after each step to draw at your own pace.

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