Step 10: Draw the lower part of the platypus' bill using a couple more arcs on the bottom. The platypus uses its rubbery bill to find its prey with electrolocation.
Step 11: Darken the lines on the top and bottom for the platypus' head.
Step 12: Use the initial lines as guides to draw the platypus' front foot. Draw the base of the foot on the top part using quick, short strokes to represent fur. Thicken up the smaller lines to create the fingers. The platypus' fingers are thin and should come to a point. Also draw the webbing around the toes.
Step 13: Use the lines on the back as guides to draw the platypus' hind foot. Draw a round base on the top part using quick, short strokes to represent fur. The hind feet have less webbing, so only draw a few curved lines in between the toes to indicate this. The platypus' venomous spur is located on the inside of the foot, so it's not visible here.
Step 14: Use the main oval and connecting lines to draw the platypus' body.