How to Draw a Whale Shark 6

Step 6: At the bottom, to the right of the pectoral fin, draw two small, V-shaped lines for the whale shark's pelvic and anal fins.

How to Draw a Whale Shark 7

Step 7: At the tip of the body, on the right, draw a tall, triangular shape as a guide for the top part of the whale shark's tail. Below that, draw a smaller V-shaped line as a guide for the bottom part of the tail.

How to Draw a Whale Shark Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Whale Shark 8

Step 8: Lightly sketch a wavy line at the front of the head for the whale shark's mouth. The mouth should stretch from the left corner of the head to a bit past the construction line in the middle. When you get the position and size of the mouth right, darken the lines. On the right side of the mouth, draw a thin, short shape for a barbel. On the left side, draw a curved line for the other end of the mouth. Darken the edge a bit for the top of the head.

How to Draw a Whale Shark 9

Step 9: Below the previous line, draw a curved line for the lower edge of the open mouth. This line shouldn't touch the edge of the initial diamond shape. The whale shark's open mouth shouldn't be too big. Darken the edge of the initial diamond for the lower jaw. Make the line curve more than the guide.

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