How to Draw Tiger Shark Swimming 6

Step 6: On the left side, draw a line that slopes up to the top, left as a guide for the tiger shark's tail or caudal fin. On the bottom, draw a shorter line that slopes down. Then connect the two lines to form a triangular shape.


How to Draw Tiger Shark Swimming 7

Step 7: To the left of the first circle, draw a line that's similar to a slanted letter V as a guide for the tiger shark's first pectoral fin. To the right, draw a smaller V- shaped line as a guide for the pectoral fin on the other side.



How to Draw Tiger Shark Swimming 8

Step 8: Above the middle section of the body, draw a triangle-like shape as a guide for the first dorsal fin. To the left, closer to the tail, draw a smaller triangular shape as a guide for the second dorsal fin. Under the body, on the left, draw two more small, triangular shapes as guides for the shark's pelvic and anal fins.


How to Draw Tiger Shark Swimming Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.



How to Draw Tiger Shark Swimming 9

Step 9: To the left of the first circle, near the top of the head, draw a small circle for the eye. Add a smaller circle inside and shade it using a dark value for the tiger shark's pupil. Sketch the eye lightly at first so that it's easy to erase if you make a mistake. When you get the size and position right, darken the lines.

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