How to Draw a Grizzly Brown Bear Head Portrait 10

Step 10: Draw a series of short strokes under the mouth for the grizzly bear's chin. Follow the basic path of the initial circle as you draw the lines for the chin. Draw a series of longer strokes on the top part of the muzzle for extra detail on the fur.



How to Draw a Grizzly Brown Bear Head Portrait 11

Step 11: Use the small arc on the top, right side of the head as a guide to draw the first ear. Draw a series of short strokes along the path of the arc to create the furry ear. Add a few more strokes within the shape of the arc for the ear's opening.


How to Draw a Grizzly Brown Bear Head Portrait 12

Step 12: Use the arc on the top, right side of the head as a guide to draw the grizzly bear's other ear the same way. Use short strokes along the path of the arc and longer strokes inside.


How to Draw a Grizzly Brown Bear Head Portrait 13

Step 13: Draw a series of short strokes along the basic path of the main circle to create the shape of the head. The top of the head should be higher than the initial circle. The sides should be close to the circle. The longer you draw these strokes, the shaggier the grizzly bear's fur will appear. Make the strokes longer at the bottom so that they almost come to a point.



How to Draw a Grizzly Brown Bear Head Portrait 14

Step 14: Draw a few more strokes within the shape of the head for extra detail on the fur. Add some strokes at the top of the head, on the sides and at the bottom. These strokes will also help guide the orientation of the grizzly bear's fur when you shade later.

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