Step 6: On the left side, draw another circle as a guide for the back section of the dog's body. This circle should be smaller than the circle on the right. The edges of the two circles should touch.
Step 7: Under the circle on the right, draw two short lines as guides for the west highland white terrier's front legs. Bend the lines at the bottom so that they are similar to the letter L.
Step 8: Under the circle on the left, draw two more lines as guides for the westie's hind legs. These guides should slope to the left at the top and bend to the right at the bottom.
Step 9: Draw two lines that connect the body circles to complete the guide for the dog's torso. Curve the line at the bottom. Add a short line on the top, left side as a guide for the terrier's tail.
That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.