Step 15: Darken the left edge of the main circle but make the line wavier to create the shape of the head. At the bottom, make the line for the jaw longer and add a few short strokes inside the head for the kangaroo's fur.
Step 16: Use the short line under the body as a guide to draw the kangaroo's arm. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the arm around it. When you get the shape of the arm right, darken the lines. The top part of the arm should be wide. After the bend, the arm should be thinner. Curve the bottom part to the right and make the bottom thin for the wrist. Add a small arc at the bottom, on the left side, for the digit curving back. Add more curved lines for the kangaroo's other visible digits. Make the tips pointy for the claws.
Step 17: Now use the long, angled line on the right as a guide to draw the kangaroo's hind leg. Follow the path of the guide and draw the shape of the leg around it. Make the top wider and the bottom narrower. The top part of the leg should be close to the top of the body. Curve the shape near the middle to create the top of the big foot at the bottom.
When you get the shape of the big leg right, darken the lines. Draw a curved line at the tip of the kangaroo's foot for the big toe. At the tip of the toe, draw a pointy shape for the claw. Near the middle of the foot, at the bottom, draw a smaller curved line with a pointy tip for the smaller toe. Darken the right edge of the leg too. Notice how big this leg is in relation to the rest of the body. Add a few short strokes inside the kangaroo's leg for the fur and the outline of the tendons.
Step 18: To the left of the arm, add a line for the kangaroo's other arm. Add some more curved lines at the bottom for this other arm's digits. Add the visible section of the leg on the other side the same way. Because the kangaroo is sideways, only a very small portion of the appendages on the other side will be visible.
Step 19: Use the shapes in the middle as guides to draw the rest of the kangaroo's body. Simply darken the outer edges of the guide to create the shape of the body. Extend the lines on the right farther to the right. At the bottom, use series of short strokes for the fur.