Step 10: At the tip of the shark's head, draw a couple of curved lines for the barbel. Make the barbel thin and pointy at the bottom. To the left of the barbel, draw a curved, horizontal line for the mouth. Curve the line up and to the right for the fleshy portion at the edge of the mouth.
Step 11: To the left of the eye, draw a couple of curved lines for the spiracle, an organ that provides oxygen. Don't draw the nurse shark's spiracle bigger than the eye. To the left, draw a series of lines for the gill slits. Draw five gill slits. The two left-most slits should be close together.
Step 12: Use the initial arc as a guide to draw the shape of the nurse shark's head. Simply darken the path of the initial guides to create the shape of the head. Don't overlap the barbel as you darken the lines for the head.
Step 13: Use the first triangle shape from the right as a guide to draw the shark's pectoral fin. Darken the path of the guide but make the lines wavier. Draw the base or top of the fin inside the body toward the gills.
Step 14: Use the other triangle-like shapes under the body as guides to draw the nurse shark's other fins the same way. Curve the lines more than the guides and draw the base of the fins in toward the body.