How to Draw Cute Chow Chow Puppy Dog 15

Step 15: Draw short strokes along the left edge of the initial big circle for the furry head. Draw a long, curved line over the ears that's made up of short strokes to create the top of the head. The strokes for the top of the head should end on top of the body way on the right side. Add more short strokes under the muzzle for the lower part of the chow chow's furry head. Continue to draw strokes around the initial circle to create a big oval made of fur. Leave a few gaps between strokes at the bottom. The end result should be similar to a lion's mane.


How to Draw Cute Chow Chow Puppy Dog 16

Step 16: Add a few more short strokes within the head for extra detail on the chow chow's fur. A series of short strokes around the eyes help emphasize the brows. Curve the strokes down to the cheeks. Add some strokes along the vertical construction line and on the right edge of the initial circle. Add some lines that are made up of short strokes along the bottom and left side too.


How to Draw Cute Chow Chow Puppy Dog 17

Step 17: Use the second line from the left as a guide to draw the dog's first front leg. Follow the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the path using short strokes. At the bottom, draw short, curved lines for the toes and tiny triangle-like lines for the nails. The shape of the leg should be wide, especially at the top, because of the longer fur.


How to Draw Cute Chow Chow Puppy Dog 18

Step 18: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the second front leg the same way. Follow the path of the guide and draw the shape of the leg around it using short strokes for the fur. The right side of this leg will be hidden behind the first leg. Don't forget to add the dog's toes and nails at the bottom!

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