Step 6: On the top, left side, draw two longer, curved lines that end at a point for a bigger horn. Draw another set of curved lines on the right for the other big horn. You can make the horns smaller or larger if you'd like. You can also add more horns!
Step 7: Add the dragon's long neck by first drawing a short, curved line between the horns. Continue the shape of the neck by drawing a longer sloping line on the right side. Under the head , draw another curved line for the right edge of the neck. Curve the bottom part of the line toward the right to create the dragon's chest.
Step 8: To the right of the chest, draw a couple of short lines that slope to the right for the front leg. Angle the lines to the left to create a joint and the bottom of the leg. At the bottom, add a few angled lines similar in shape to a less- than sign (<) for the dragon's claws.
Step 9: Add the other front leg by first drawing a sloping line to the left of the chest. This leg is raised, so at the bottom, draw a series of V-shaped lines for the claws. Draw a V-shaped line farther right for a thumb- like digit and complete the shape of the leg. Draw a line to the right of the other front leg for the underside of the dragon's body.
Step 10: To the right of the body, draw two lines that slope to the right for the top part of the dragon's hind leg. Then curve the lines downward to create the bottom half of the hind leg. At the bottom, add three angled lines similar in shape to a less than sign (<) for the claws.