Step 15: Use the shape on the left as a guide to draw the cat's other ear the same way. First darken the initial shape but make it a bit thinner. Then add longer lines inside the ear for structure and fur.
Step 16: Use the initial circles as guides to draw the rest of the cat's head. Use quick, short strokes for the fur as you follow the path of the initial circle. Bengal cats have short fur, so don't draw these strokes too long. When you add the bottom edge of the head, draw it higher up than the initial circle. Add some strokes below the ear as well for the side of the head.
Step 17: Use the second line from the left as a guide to draw the first front leg. Follow the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. Use quick, short strokes mainly along the right edge of the leg for the fur. Use a couple of curved lines at the tips of the Bengal cat's paws for the individual toes.
Step 18: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the second front leg the same way. First sketch the shape of the leg lightly around the guide. Then, when you get the shape right, darken the lines. Don't forget the Bengal's toes at the bottom.
Step 19: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the Bengal cat's hind leg that's on this side of the body. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the structure right, darken the lines. Notice how much wider the top of the hind leg is compared to the front leg. Also make sure you bend the leg near the middle for the joint.