How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Unicorn Horse Pony 6

Step 6: Above the eye, draw long, curved line for the first part of the unicorn's mane. Add a small spike near the middle of the line for extra detail. The line should curve up on the right side. Draw a shorter curved line above, which is where the horn will peek through the mane.


How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Unicorn Horse Pony 7

Step 7: On top of the line, draw a triangle-like shape for the unicorn's horn. Draw it longer if you'd like. Add a couple of curved lines for detail. You can also skip this step to draw a regular horse.

How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Unicorn Horse Pony 8

Step 8: Behind the horn, draw a wavy line for the top of the mane. Don't overlap the lines for the unicorn's horn. Add a spike-like line on the left side.


How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Unicorn Horse Pony 9

Step 9: On the top left, side of the unicorn's head, draw a pointy arc with a line inside for the ear.



How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Unicorn Horse Pony 10

Step 10: Draw a long line on the left side and a short line on the right side for the neck.

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