Step 15: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the rest of the head. Use quick, short strokes as you follow the basic path of the circle to create the furry shape of the Jack Russell terrier's head. Make the right side of the head a bit narrower than the initial circle. Remember to make the strokes longer if you want shaggier fur. Add more strokes inside the head to emphasize the furry texture.
Step 16: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the dog's first front leg. Follow the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. Use quick, short strokes mainly along the left edge of the leg for the fur. Use tiny triangle- like shapes at the tip of the foot for the nails.
Step 17: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the second front leg the same way. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg around the guide. Darken the lines when you get the shape right. Make the bottom part wider for the foot and add the visible nails as triangle-like shapes.
Step 18: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the hind leg that's on this side of the body. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the structure right, darken the lines using quick, short strokes. The Jack Russell terrier's hind legs bend backward a lot more than the front legs. The hind legs should also be wider at the top than the front legs.
Step 19: Use the last line under the body as a guide to draw the dog's other hind leg the same way. Most of this leg is hidden behind the other hind leg, so only draw the bottom half.