Step 15: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the head. Draw quick, short strokes along the basic path of the initial circle to create the shape of the cat's head. Leave a gap along the lower, right side to indicate where the head connects to the neck and body. Add a few strokes along the guides to the right of the ears for the neck.
Step 16: Use the long horizontal line on the bottom, left side as a guide to draw the cat's first leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. The top edge of the leg should overlap the guide line for the other front leg. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. The base or right side of the leg should be thick, and it should gradually get thinner toward the foot. Add a couple of curved lines at the tip for the toes and use quick, short strokes on the bottom for fur.
Step 17: Draw the other front leg the same way, except the bottom portion will be behind the first leg. The base of this leg should end under the head. The top edges of the legs should be parallel.
Step 18: Use the line under the body, on the far right side, as a guide to draw the stretching cat's first hind leg. Sketch lightly at first as you draw the leg around the guide. Curve the shape to indicate the joints. When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the lines. Use quick, short strokes at the top of the leg for the fur, and a couple of curved lines at the tip of the foot for the toes. The top of the cat's leg should be wide, and it should gradually get thinner at the bottom.
Step 19: Use the last line under the body as a guide to draw the cat's other hind leg. The top portion of the leg will be behind the body, so just draw the visible bottom half.