How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 6

Step 6: On the upper, right side of the head, draw another circle as a guide for the back portion of the body. Don't place this circle too high up, otherwise the stretching cat's body will be too long. This circle should be almost twice as big as the circle for the front part of the body.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 7

Step 7: Draw two short lines that connect the head to the second circle to form the cat's neck. Draw two more lines to connect the other two circles to form the rest of the body. The line at the bottom should be longer and curvier than the line at the top.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 8

Step 8: Starting at the neck, draw a long horizontal line as a guide for the first outstretched front leg. The line angles a bit on the right side. Add a parallel line above it for the cat's other front leg.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 9

Step 9: Under the circle on the right, draw long vertical line as a guide for the stretching cat's first hind leg. This line should angle near the middle and at the tip for the joints. Add a similar line on the left for the other leg.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 10

Step 10: On top of the circle on the right, draw a long, curved line as a guide for the tail. The cat's tail can go in any direction, so feel free to change this guide if you'd like.

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