Step 15: Draw the allosaurus' tongue in between the jaws, at the bottom, using a long wavy line. Add a couple of lines above and below the tongue for the other side of the jaw.
Step 16: Use the remaining shapes and lines as guides to draw the rest of the head. Add a series of curved lines around the eye for the allosaurus' bony brow and darken the line on the left to create the back of the head. Darken the bottom edge of the guides to create the neck. Add a few triangle- like shapes along the head for spikes. Draw a few curved lines to the left of the eye to emphasize the cranial structure. Add a few more detail lines on the front part of the head. You can also omit these lines for a simpler drawing.
Step 17: Use the second line from the right under the body as a guide to draw the first arm. Follow the path of the guide as you draw the shape of the arm around it. Use curved lines as you create the shape of the arm to give the muscles more definition. At the end of the arm, draw three short digits using thin, curved arcs. At the end of each digit, draw a short, curved, triangle-like shape for the dinosaur's claws.
Step 18: Use the short line on the right as a guide to draw the other arm the same way. Draw the shape of the arm around the guide using curved lines. The top part of the arm will be hidden behind the body. At the end of the arm, draw the three digits using curved arcs and the allosaurus' claws using triangle-like shapes.
Step 19: Use the long, angled line in the middle as a guide to draw the allosaurus' first hind leg. Follow the basic path of the guide line as you draw the shape of the leg around it. Sketch the shape of the leg lightly at first. When you get all the curves and joints right, darken the lines.
Add an extra curved line on the left of the leg near the middle for the pronounced muscle. The dinosaur's leg should be thick at the top. Draw the shape of the foot using the final segment of the angled line. Add the three long toes at the tip. The toes should overlap each other because of the perspective. Make the tips of the toes pointy for the claws.