Draw Siamese Cat 10

Step 10: Add the muzzle by first drawing a short line under the nose. Then draw the line splitting to the sides to form the cat's top lip. Use a series of quick, short strokes to the left that follow the path of the initial circle for the left side of the muzzle. Follow the right side of the initial circle as you draw quick, short strokes for the other side of the muzzle. Now follow the basic path of the lower edge of the circle to draw the chin. Use quick, short strokes to create a furry texture.


Draw Siamese Cat 11

Step 11: Use the triangle-like shapes on the head as guides to draw the Siamese cat's ears. Darken the basic shape but make the tips a little shorter and rounder. The base of the ears should extend to the inside of the head past the edge of the main circle. Draw a series of quick, short strokes inside the ears for the fur found there. Draw a few curved lines within the shape as well to give the ear internal structure.


Draw Siamese Cat 12

Step 12: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the rest of the cat's head. Use quick, short strokes as you follow the basic path of the circle to create the furry head. When you draw the right side, dip the line in toward the muzzle to make the Siamese's head leaner. Draw the lower, left side of the head closer to the muzzle as well. Add some quick, short strokes on the left side of the head too.


Draw Siamese Cat 13

Step 13: Use the second line from the right under the body as a guide to draw the front leg that's on this side. Follow the basic path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the Siamese cat's leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines using quick, short strokes to represent the fur. Add a couple of short, curved lines at the tip of the foot to separate each individual toe. Bend the shape near the bottom and at the top to indicate the joints in the leg.


Draw Siamese Cat 14

Step 14: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Sketch the shape of the leg lightly as you follow the path of the guide. The top part should be wider than the bottom. This leg shouldn't bend. The cat is stepping forward, so the joints should be straight. Darken the lines using quick, short strokes when you get the structure of the leg right. The right line of the leg should stop just before it hits the guide for the neck.

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