Draw Phoenix 15

Step 15: Use the initial shapes as guides to draw the top part of the phoenix's wings. Follow the basic path of the guides as you draw wavy, spiky shapes for the flame-like feathers. You can make the spike shapes longer for bigger flames. Don't overthink it when it comes to the shape of the flames. The more random they are, the more fire-like they'll appear.


Draw Phoenix 16

Step 16: Now draw the bottom part of the phoenix's wings using the initial shapes as guides. Follow the basic path of the guides as you use triangle-like wavy spikes to represent the fiery feathers. Vary the shape and spacing of the feathers for a more fiery effect.

Draw Phoenix 17

Step 17: Follow the path of the initial guides at the bottom to create the shape of the phoenix's first foot.


Draw Phoenix 18

Step 18: Draw the other foot the same way. Add a couple of curved lines at the ends of the phoenix's feet for the talons.

Draw Phoenix 19

Step 19: Follow the path of the initial guides as you darken the lines to create the shape of the torso. Add a few wavy spikes under the feet as you follow the guides to create the top part of the phoenix's tail feathers.

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