Step 15: Use the other line on the left as a guide to draw the front arm on the other side of the Indominus rex's body. Part of the arm is blocked by the other arm and body, so don't draw the whole thing. Only the visible portion.
Step 16: Use the line on the far right as a guide to draw the leg on this side of the Indominus rex's body. Sketch lightly as you follow the basic path of the guide. Use curved lines to indicate the leg muscles. Darken the lines only when you get the structure of the leg right. Draw the two toes and claws at the bottom that are visible from this angle. The leg should be thickest at the top and thinner at the bottom.
Step 17: Use the last line at the bottom as a guide to draw the leg on the other side. Follow the path of the guide as you darken the lines and add the toes and claws at the bottom. Add the dew claw high on the side of the foot using a series of curved lines.
Step 18: Use the initial lines and circles as guides to draw the Indominus rex's body. Use the small triangle-like shapes as you follow the path of the guides to create the bumps that line the back. Add some bumps within the shape of the body to create the crocodile-like texture on the back. Use the lines at the bottom as guides to draw the underside of the body.
Step 19: Use the lines on the right as guides to draw the Indominus rex's tail. Follow the path of the guides as you draw the small triangle-like spikes that line the top of the tail.