Draw Sugar Glider 15

Step 15: Now draw the sugar glider's hind feet using the two remaining circles as guides. Draw the hind feet the same way as the front feet. The bottom section should be within the circle, and the toes should stick out. The final foot should be smaller because of the angle and should therefore fit mostly within the shape of the initial circle.


Draw Sugar Glider 16

Step 16: Draw the outline of the sugar glider's body using the diamond shape using a series of curved lines. The initial diamond shape represents the flaps used to glide. Draw the actual body that the flaps are connected to as curved lines under the head. Use quick, short strokes as you draw the outline of the body and lower legs to represent the furry underside.


Draw Sugar Glider 17

Step 17: Use the diamond shape as a guide to draw the open guide flaps. Follow the basic path of the guides as you darken the lines but make them curve more. Draw some curved lines close to the edge of the sugar glider's gliding flaps as extra detail. Use a series of quick, short strokes as you follow the path of the guide line to create the furry section at the bottom.


Draw Sugar Glider 18

Step 18: Use the curved line on the left as a guide to draw the furry tail. Follow the basic path of the line as you draw the tail around the guide. Use quick, short strokes to represent the furry texture of the sugar glider's tail.


Draw Sugar Glider 19

Step 19 (optional): For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines that you may have accidentally erased.


Draw Sugar Glider Last

Final Step (optional): Add some shading to your sugar glider drawing to give it more dimension and volume. Pick the direction of the light source when shading so that the shadows are consistent with it. Vary the pressure on your pencil to get different degrees of tonal value.

You can add more value throughout your sugar glider drawing for extra detail. Push on your pencil a bit harder to create a stripe on the head and darker fur around the sugar glider's eyes. Use a lighter value for the rest of the sugar glider's head. The fur on the underside of the body is light as well, so use a lighter value here too. Add the value lightly at first, then gradually build up to the level of darkness that you want. Add the value by using strokes that go in the general direction of the sugar glider's fur. If you want a more accurate sugar glider drawing, it's a good idea to use reference as you draw. Some people keep sugar gliders as pets. If you have a pet sugar glider, try to duplicate its pattern on your drawing. Remember to pause the "How to Draw a Sugar Glider" video after each step to draw at your own pace.

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