Draw Orangutan Ape 15

Step 15: Use the circle as the bottom as a guide to draw the hand. Use a few curved lines to create the thumb and curved index finger on the left side of the hand. Add the orangutan's other fingers using curved lines too. The shape of the hand should fit inside the small circle.


Draw Orangutan Ape 16

Step 16: Use the lines under the orangutan's body as guides to draw the legs. Sketch the shape of the leg lightly at first as you follow the guide line. When you have the structure right, darken the lines using quick, short strokes for the long, shaggy fur. Draw the leg on the right side the same way. The orangutan will be sitting, so curve the shape of the legs a bit.


Draw Orangutan Ape 17

Step 17: Use the small circles as guides to draw the orangutan's feet. Use a series of curved lines to represent the folded digits. The feet and the folded digits should fit within the shape of the initial circle. The feet are basically hairless, so don't use quick, short strokes to draw them.


Draw Orangutan Ape 18

Step 18: Use the big circle under the orangutan's head as a guide to draw the body. Follow the path of the circle as you darken the lines using quick, short strokes for the fur. Use longer strokes for the bottom of the body and add some fur to the chest too.


Draw Orangutan Ape 19

Step 19: Use the line and circle on the left side as a guide to draw the orangutan's remaining arm. Follow the shape of the guide as you widen the arm and darken the lines. Use a series of curved lines within the shape of the circle to draw the bent fingers and thumb.

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