Draw Chickadee 10

Step 10: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the chickadee's head. Follow the basic path of the circle as you darken the lines to create the bird's head and neck.

Draw Chickadee 11

Step 11: Add a few more lines within the head for the detail on the face's pattern. Use quick, short strokes as you draw the pattern across the chickadee's face.

Draw Chickadee 12

Step 12: Draw the shape of the folded wing inside the body using a series of lines. The shape basically consists of two curved lines inside the body that come together on the right side to form a point. Use quick, short strokes on the left side of the shape for the feathery base of the wing.

Draw Chickadee 13

Step 13: Use the lines under the body as guides to draw the chickadee's feet. Follow the basic path of the guides as you darken the lines and make the shapes thicker. Use short, curved lines in the front for the chickadee's three folded toes. Draw the bird's foot on the other side by using the other line as a guide.

Draw Chickadee 14

Step 14: Use the initial shapes as guides to draw the outline of the body. Follow the path of the guides as you darken the bird's body. Chickadees fluff up their feathers when they're cold, so make the body round. Use quick, short strokes on the bottom for a feathery texture.

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