Draw Beaver 6

Step 6: Draw four lines under the beaver's body as the guides for the legs. Beavers have short legs, so don't draw the lines too long. Bend them near the middle to indicate where the beaver's feet will be.

Draw Beaver 7

Step 7: Draw a long arc on the left side of the body as a guide for the distinctive flat tail.

Draw Beaver Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Draw Beaver 8

Step 8: Draw the eye as a small circle inside the beaver's head on the upper right side. Draw a dot in the middle for the pupil and a tiny circle on the side to represent glare. Shade in the rest of the eye except for a tiny circle. Use a value that's lighter than the pupil. Draw a line shape surrounding the eye for extra detail.

Draw Beaver 9

Step 9: Draw the nose on the tip of the initial arc. The shape of the beaver's nose is long and similar to a diamond. Draw a small shape inside and shade it in for the nostril.

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