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Step 6: Draw a long line on the top right side of the body as a guide for the koi's dorsal fin.

Step 7: Draw two more triangle-like shapes on the bottom right side of the body as a guide for the pelvic and anal fins.

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Step 8: Draw the koi fish's eye inside the arc close to the top. The eye is basically a circle with a smaller circle inside for the pupil. Shade the pupil.

Step 9: Use the tip of the arc as a guide to draw the koi's mouth. Follow the basic path of the arc as you darken the lines to create the top part of the mouth. Draw two long lines that come to a point on the right side of the mouth for the whisker-like barbels. Add another line at the bottom for the lower part of the koi's mouth.