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Step 10: Use the initial arcs as guides to draw the rest of the wolf's muzzle. Follow the path of the guide as you darken the line and create the top part of the muzzle. Add a tiny curved line near the top for the canine tooth peeking out. Draw the lower jaw by using the other arc as a guide. Use a thick dark line for the lower lip, quick, short strokes for the fuzzy chin and add the lower canine tooth too.

Step 11: Use the arc on the left as a guide to draw the wolf's ears. Darken the outer shape of the ear as you follow the basic path of the guide. Add a few strokes inside for the fur. Draw another curved line for the ear peeking from the other side.

Step 12: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the wolf's head. Use quick, short strokes as you darken the line to represent fur.

Step 13: Using the line on the right side as a guide, draw the howling wolf's front legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the first leg as you follow the basic path of the line. When you get the structure right, darken the lines using quick, short strokes to represent fur. Bend the leg at the joints and add some lines at the bottom for the wolf's toes and nails. Draw the visible portion of the leg on the other side using the first leg as a template.

Step 14: Use the bottom circle and the angled line under it to draw the howling wolf's hind legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the top of the leg inside the circle and the bottom of the leg along the path of the angled line. When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the lines using quick, short strokes to represent fur. Draw a few lines at the tip for the toes and nails. Add the visible part of the wolf's leg on the other side too.