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Step 10: Draw the dog's nose inside the muzzle by first lightly drawing an oval. Draw two big dots on the sides of the oval for the nostrils. Darken the bottom part of the nose and add a small vertical line at the bottom. Add a few quick, short strokes for the fur on top of the border collie's nose.

Step 11: Draw the first part of the mouth by using the initial oval as a guide. Darken the bottom part of the oval and curve the line up to form the top part of the dog's mouth. Follow the basic path of the U-shaped curve to draw the border collie's tongue. Add a line in the middle of the tongue.

Step 12: Draw the lower part of the border collie's jaw under the tongue. Follow the path of the guide as you darken the lines. Use quick, short strokes for the fur near the top.

Step 13: Draw a few jagged, pointy shapes on the right side of the tongue for the border collie's teeth. Draw a diagonal line above the nose to finish the dog's muzzle.

Step 14: Use the triangle-like shapes on the head as guides to draw the border collie's ears. Follow the basic path of the guides as you draw the ears using quick, short strokes for a furry look. Draw a smaller triangle-like shape inside each of the dog's ears using quick, short strokes for the inner structure. Some collies have floppy ears, so you can bend your dog's ears if you'd like.