Draw Caracal 6

Step 6: Draw a series of lines that connect the major shapes to form the caracal's body and tail. Caracals have short tails, so draw a short line as a guide for the tail.

Draw Caracal 7

Step 7: Draw four lines under the body (two below each circle) as guides for the caracal's legs. Bend the lines forward a bit to indicate where the caracal's paws and joints will be.

Draw Caracal Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! When learning how to draw a caracal from this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Draw Caracal 8

Step 8: Now learn how to draw the caracal's facial features. Draw the eyes inside the head using the lines as guides for placement. First lightly sketch the eyes to get the shapes right, then darken the lines when you have them right. The shape of the eyes is similar to a football with pointier ends. Draw two tiny circles in each eye to represent glare and two slits for the pupils. Shade the inside of the eye except for the small glare circle. Use a value that is lighter than the pupils when shading the eyes. Darken the outline of the eye a bit more if you'd like.

Draw Caracal 9

Step 9: Draw the caracal's nose inside the muzzle by first lightly drawing a small circle. Draw the two nostrils on the sides and make the top part wavier. Draw a small line at the bottom.
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