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Step 6: Draw two more long oval-shaped circles below the first set as guides for the second pair of dragonfly wings. The length of the two sets of guides should be about the same. Sketch lightly at first to get the dragonfly wing shape right. The orientation of the guides at the bottom is not quite as diagonal but still has a slight tilt downward. The guides for the lower set of dragonfly wings are also lower than the thorax, and their edges don't touch.

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Step 7: Learn how to draw the dragonfly's eyes inside the original circle. First draw two arcs facing each other near the top of the head. Sketch lightly at first to get the shape right. Now curve the shape of the arc down to make it longer. Use the sides of the original circle as a guide. Now curve the shape of the arc down to make it longer. Use the sides of the circle as a guide. Dragonflies have compound eyes that wrap around the head, so bend the shape of the eyes appropriately.

Step 8: Now learn how to draw the dragonfly's mouth parts on the front of the head. First draw an M-shaped line in front, then curved lines on the sides for the jaw. Then add tiny lines for antennas.

Step 9: Draw a series of curved lines in between the eyes for the back of the dragonfly's head.