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Step 10: Use the small arc on the head as a guide to draw the wolverine's ears. Add quick, short stokes within the ear shape for the fur. Draw another small arc on the head for the ear on the other side.
Step 11: Use the original circle as a guide to draw the rest of the wolverine's head. Follow the basic path of the circle and make the top part of the wolverine's head flatter. Use quick, short strokes as you draw the bottom part of the head for a shaggy look. Draw some strokes inside the wolverine's head too.
Step 12: Now learn how to draw the wolverine's legs and feet. Use the lines on the left as guides to draw the front feet. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg as you follow the path of the line. When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the shape using quick, short strokes. Draw the feet at the tip of the shape. Use a series of curved lines to draw the separate toes and claws. Wolverines have big feet to help them move through deep snow, so make the paws big. Draw the wolverine's foot on the other side using the same technique. Follow the path of the line as you lightly sketch the shape. Darken the shape of the leg using quick, short strokes to represent fur and add the big paw at the end.
Step 13: Use the lines on the right as guides to draw the hind legs the same way. Remember to sketch lightly as you follow the path of the guide and only darken the lines when you have the structure right. Wolverines are short but powerful animals, so don't draw the legs too long. They should be short and stocky. Wolverines have five toes on each paw and walk flat on their feet like bears instead of on their toes like other mammals. Draw the hind leg on the other side as well. Only draw the toes that would be visible from this perspective.
Step 14: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the wolverine's body. Simply darken the shape as you follow the path of the guide lines. Use long strokes at the bottom for the thick, shaggy winter coat.