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Step 10: Draw the tasmanian devil's eye on the upper left side of the head using the lines as guides for placement. The shape of the tasmanian devil's eye is similar to a greater-than sign (>) with a couple of arcs to the left of it for the eyeball. Shade the inside of the eye except for a tiny circle to represent glare. Add a darker value near the middle of the eye for the tasmanian devil's pupil. Thicken the lines that make up the eye and darken them a bit more.

Step 11: Draw the tasmanian devil's nose on the tip of the arc on the left side. Draw the outer edge of the nose first as a curved line. Then add the nostril inside as a small curved slit. Close up the right side of the nose using quick, short strokes to represent fur.

Step 12: Draw the rest of the tasmanian devil's muzzle using the arc as a guide. Under the nose, draw a long line using quick, short strokes for the furry mouth. Draw another line under the mouth for the lower jaw.

Step 13: Draw the tasmanian devil's ear by using the arc in the head as a guide. Follow the basic path of the arc and make the line darker and pointier at the top. Draw a series of curved lines inside the shape to represent the inner ear structure. Draw a few quick, short strokes at the base of the ear for the fur and draw another line on top for the ear on the other side.

Step 14: Draw the rest of the tasmanian devil's head using the initial circle as a guide. Use quick, short strokes for a furry texture. Tasmanian devils have powerful jaws, so draw a jaw line that dips low.