6. How to Draw a Snowy Owl

Fun fact: The snowy owl is the largest owl in North America. It is one of the species available at Eeylops Owl Emporium on Diagon Alley, where Harry Potter's snowy owl, Hedwig, came from!

Find the snowy owl's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.


7. How to Draw a Chicken (Hen)

Fun fact: There are 25 billion chickens in the world, so there are more of them than any other bird species.

Find the chicken's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here. And you can draw a cartoon rooster too!


8. How to Draw a Piranha Fish

Fun fact: After Teddy Roosevelt traveled to South America in 1913, he wrote in his book, Through the Brazilian Wilderness, that he saw a pack of piranhas eat an entire cow carcass that had been thrown into the river. This is probably what kicked off the piranha's bad reputation in the United States.

Find the piranha's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.


9. How to Draw a House Sparrow

Fun fact: Even though house sparrows are found all over North America today, they are not a native species. Birds from England were first introduced in 1852 when they were released in New York City to control the linden moth.

Find the house sparrow's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.

10. How to Draw a Kiwi Bird

Fun fact: Kiwi are the only birds with nostrils at the end of their long beaks. This allows them to locate insects and worms underground with their sense of smell, rather than touch or taste.

Find the kiwi bird's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.


11. How to Draw a Chipmunk

Fun fact: The chipmunk genus name Tamias is Greek for "treasurer," "steward" or "housekeeper," which refers to their habit of collecting and storing food for winter use.

Find the chipmunk's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.

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