How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 8

Step 8: Use the middle diagonal line as a guide to draw he damselfly's hindwing the same way. The wings are transparent so it's okay if the shapes overlap. Make the left tip of the wing thin and pointy.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 9

Step 9: Use the angled lines that are under the thorax as guides to draw the damselfly's legs. Darken the lines and make each leg thicker by adding another line next to it. At the top of each leg, draw a small triangular shape for the bases of the legs.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 10

Step 10: Darken the outer edges of the guides in the middle to create the damselfly's thorax. Make the shapes more angular as you darken the lines. Inside the shape, draw a few short, curved lines to divide the thorax into segments.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 11

Step 11: Darken the horizontal line on the right for the top edge of the damselfly's abdomen. Add another line at the bottom to make the abdomen thicker. The right side of the abdomen should be curved and wide. Overall the abdomen should be very thin. Draw a series of short lines inside the shape to divide the abdomen into ten segments.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 12

Step 12: Draw the damselfly's wings and legs that are on the other side by using the first set of wings and legs as templates. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the shapes right. Remember that the wings are transparent, so it's okay to overlap the shapes.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View 13

Step 13: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.

How to Draw a Tule Bluet Damselfly Side View

Step: Add a few lines inside the wings to create the veins. Use a series of long diagonal lines and then draw shorter vertical lines between the diagonal lines. Now color your damselfly drawing! Damselflies have different color patterns so you can color your drawing however you'd like. For this variety, use blue for most of the body but add a bit of black to create stripes. Use dark blue along the bottoms to create shadows and light blues along the tops for highlights. Add a bit of gray and black to the wings. Add a shadow underneath using gray and blue. Coloring can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. It's a good idea to use reference as you color for a more accurate depiction of the damselfly species you're to drawing.

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