Draw African Wild Dog 6

Step 6: Draw four lines under the body (two below each circle) as guides for the legs. African wild dogs have long legs, so the lines should be pretty long. Also angle the lines forward a bit.

Draw African Wild Dog 7

Step 7: Draw a series of curved lines that connect the major shapes to form the body. Draw a small line on the right side as a guide for the African wild dog's tail.

Draw African Wild Dog Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Draw African Wild Dog 8

Step 8: Draw the eyes inside the African wild dog's head using the lines as guides for placement. The shape of the eyes is similar to a half circle. Draw a small circle inside each eye and shade it in except for a small part to represent glare. Add a few lines on the outside as extra detail.

Draw African Wild Dog 9

Step 9: Draw the African wild dog's nose inside the muzzle. First lightly draw an oval. Then darken it, giving it more shape. Draw shaded circles on the sides for the nostrils.

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