How to Draw Bald Eagle Hunting Swooping Wings 15

Step 15: Use the line on the left as a guide to draw the bird's other foot the same way. Start by drawing a pointy, curved shape at the tip of the guide for the talon. Then add the toe at the bottom. Add another toe on either side of that first one. Notice that the toes are thick and round at the top. This foot is at a different angle from the first foot, so the toes should be more spread out. The talon for the bottom toe should be extra long. Draw the bare part of the bald eagle's foot around the guide line.


How to Draw Bald Eagle Hunting Swooping Wings 16

Step 16: Draw a long, curved line above the initial guide for the first part of this leg. At the bottom, draw a series of short strokes for the rest of the bald eagle's leg. Don't overlap the shape of the first leg.



How to Draw Bald Eagle Hunting Swooping Wings 17

Step 17: Darken the guide on the top, left side of the body for the bald eagle's first wing. As you darken the guide, draw an extra curved line after the angle for a feather. Draw a series of thin, long arcs along the bottom guide for the feathers on the wing. These arcs should be very long and extend far away from the wavy guide line. Separate the feathers so that they're not too close together or overlapping. The feathers on the right side should be smaller. Make the size change gradual. Within the shape, at the top, draw a long, curved line to emphasize the curve of the bird's wing.


How to Draw Bald Eagle Hunting Swooping Wings 18

Step 18: Use the lines to the right of the body as guides to draw the bird's other wing the same way. First darken the top angled part of the guide but leave a bit of a gap at the top. To the right of the guide, at the bottom, draw three thin, long arcs for feathers. Connect the feathers at the bottom to the angled part of the wing at the top. Draw a series of small, U-shaped lines along the path of the wavy guide at the bottom for the bald eagle's feathers. Gradually make the feathers slightly longer toward the right.



How to Draw Bald Eagle Hunting Swooping Wings 19

Step 19: Use the shapes between the wings as guides to draw the rest of the bald eagle's body. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the body but don't overlap the wings or legs. Draw a series of short strokes along the bottom of the bird's body to indicate where the tail starts.

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