Draw a Cockatiel 15

Step 15 (optional): Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the cockatiel's body and tail. Darken the lines at the top to complete the body. Use the line at the bottom to create the tail. Follow the basic path of the guide as you draw a couple of thin, long arcs for the tail. You can make the tail longer if you'd like.

Draw a Cockatiel 16

Step 16: Draw the feet under the cockatiel's body by using the initial lines as guides.

Draw a Cockatiel 17

Step 17 (optional): Draw something under the cockatiel's feet to give it something to stand on so it doesn't appear to be floating. Add a branch by drawing a jagged circle under the feet and a few lines above it.

Draw a Cockatiel 18

Step 18 (optional): For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any of the final sketch lines that you may have accidentally erased.

Draw a Cockatiel

Final Step (optional): Cockatiels can be colorful, so instead of the usual shading, try coloring your drawing. Using gray, add some shading to give the drawing more dimension and volume. Pick the direction of the light source when shading so that you draw the shadows consistently. Shadows are generally at the cool end of the color spectrum, so add some blue or purple to the shadows.

Cockatiels come in a variety of colors and patterns, so color yours however you'd like. If your cockatiel will be yellow, add a bit of orange to the shadows and darker sections. Use a darker orange for the cheek patch and black for the eyeball. Use light yellow and peach for the cockatiel's beak and feet. Continue adding yellow to the entire body. Use different shades of yellow as you color for a more three-dimensional look. Using a single shade of a color can sometimes make a drawing flat.

Coloring can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks as you draw. You can also skip the coloring for a white or albino cockatiel and a much easier drawing. Use brown and gray for the branch below. Keep in mind the shadows. Add a bit more orange to the sides of the cockatiel's body for a rounder look. You can stop here for a yellow or lutino cockatiel or continue adding color for a different variety. Add more gray along the wings and body for the pied or cinnamon variety cockatiel. Use light strokes as you add the gray to the body.

It's a good idea to use reference for a more accurate drawing. If you have a pet cockatiel, try duplicating its feather pattern on your drawing. Remember to pause the "How to Draw a Cockatiel Video" after each step to draw at your own pace.

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